1.6 Assessing the need for diabetic retinopathy services in your setting

In order to plan for DR services, you need to know the need. You can estimate the need for DR services in your setting using the template below. Once you have identified the total population, the population age >20 years and the prevalence of diabetes, you can calculate figures A-D using the proportions indicated.

A = number that requires annual screening for DR

B = number that needs monitoring for progression of DR

C = number that needs urgent treatment for vision-threatening DR

D = number that needs rehabilitation services

What is the need for diabetic retinopathy services in your setting?
Population at risk
Total Population: —————————————–Population
(from last census)
Population to be covered (age- above 20yrs):
 From census data
Diabetes mellitus
Prevalence of DM in your setting :
Prevalence in % from
local data or IDF data
Number of people with DM  A
Diabetic retinopathy
Proportion (%) of DM with Diabetic Retinopathy 33% (a third of adults with diabetes)
Number of people with Diabetic Retinopathy  B
Vision threatening diabetic retinopathy
Proportion of DR patients with VTDR 10% of those with DR
Number of people with Vision Threatening DR (VTDR) and need laser treatment  C
Proportion of people requiring rehabilitation 2% of those with
Number of people that require rehabilitation D

To do:

How many people have sight-threatening DR in your country? Calculate this using the template above

© Nyawira Mwangi